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The Ph.D. program in Clinical Psychology is based on a scientist-practitioner training model. Accordingly, its goals are to train future psychologists to (1) understand the core science areas of the discipline, (2) contribute to the knowledge base through active scholarship and research that focuses on evaluating, developing, and scientifically examining theories and methods of assessment, intervention, and other applied aspects of professional practice, (3) understand foundations for the practice of clinical psychology, and (4) employ skills in evidence based assessment and intervention techniques for effective and meaningful service to diverse individuals, groups, and communities. Inherent in these goals is our educational philosophy that psychology is a scientific discipline rooted in empirical investigation, and that professional practice includes both advancing such inquiry and applying its results.
It is our view that the clinical psychologist will contribute most to society when trained for the roles of both scientist and practitioner. Hence, the focus of the program is on the empirical investigation of current topics and problems in clinical psychology, with a particular emphasis on the development of sophistication in applied clinical research. This research frequently involves the development and investigation of innovative assessment and intervention methods. The research training culminates in the dissertation, a mentored research project proposed to and defended before a faculty committee. Integrated with research training is a graduated sequence of courses and experiences with clinical populations in supervised practica. Altogether, the program prepares the graduate to assume the roles of academician, researcher, and practicing clinical psychologist.
There are four broad program goals. The successful graduate of the program is expected to:
- Goal 1. Demonstrate understanding of the breadth of scientific psychology
- Goal 2. Produce clinically relevant scientific research and scholarship
- Goal 3. Demonstrate understanding of the foundations of practice in clinical psychology
- Goal 4. Demonstrate entry-level clinical skills and competencies necessary for effective work in scientist-practitioner professional roles
Source: psychology.nova.edu
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