The Sochi Olympics are here. Sports psychology techniques are being used to mental prepare Olympians to perform their best around the world. I'm working closely with my Olympic athletes, who are headed for Sochi to compete on the world's biggest stage. I can let you in on what goes on behind the scenes and how you can apply these same strategies.
Being their sports psychologist and performance coach, I'm using leading edge mental training techniques and customized sports visualization training audios to help them be more confident, relaxed, and focused so they can be at at heir best under pressure when the world is watching. Did you know that using these mental training tips, you can actually do the same thing? You can do what I call "Olympic Thinking" - have the mindset and performance of a Olympian. In this series of blogs I'll show you exactly how to do this.
What Can You Do With Your Imagination?
Even if you are not yet accomplished in visualization techniques, it is reassuring to know that everyone has an imagination, and everyone can improve with practice. You can develop positive images and utilize the experiences and feelings that serve you best. You can take the best you have been and the best you can possibly be, incorporate that into your mind's eye, and then transform those visions into reality.
You can use visualization for virtually any goal or problem that you need to work on. Imagery can be used for reducing stress, focusing attention, energizing, problem solving, or skill learning.
I was working with one athlete recently just before the Olympic Trials in speed skating. She talked about how imagery has helped her uncover her true potential in the 1, 500 meters. During visualization, she incorporates all of her senses into the experience. She feels her forefoot pushing off the track, she hears her skating splits, and she sees herself surging ahead of the competition.
She experiences all of the elements of her race in explicit detail before executing her performance. At the Olympic Trials, she went on to set a new American record using mental training techniques on a regular basis. It appears generally true that athletes who are most successful have developed the psychological foundation for their performances well in advance of the actual event.
Source: www.huffingtonpost.com
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