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An Article from an Online - only Journal (APA, 2001, p 275)
Finders, M.J. (2001). Angel and me: Knowing your place within literacy learning. Willa
(Women in Literacy and Life Assembly) 10, Article I. Retrieved January 6, 2003, from
Remember, the link indicated must take the reader directly to the article. If you were to copy and paste the above link, that is what it will do. In addition, when using an online source, the last thing is that link, and it is always stated Retrieved..... date.....etc. One last recommendation. Looking at the way you spelled Internet in your question, remembe…
If you are studying psychology in high school or college, you are going to need to read articles published in academic and professional journals at some point. You might read these articles as part of a literature review for a paper you are writing, or your instructor may even ask you to write a critique of an article. Whatever the reason, it is essential that you understand what you are reading and find ways to then summarize the content in your own words.