Forensic evaluations refer to comprehensive psychological evaluations that intersect with the legal profession. In these matters, psychologists are called into legal proceedings to provide objective and comprehensive psychological evaluations and to give expert witness testimony on particular areas of psychology.
Dr. Bruce has developed an expertise in forensic evaluations and has served as an expert witness in various forensic matters.
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Typical forensic issues that have been a part of Dr. Bruce’s practice are:
• Civil Litigation matters: psychological trauma resulting from torts, personal injury, childhood abuse, sexual abuse/trauma, foster care abuse; PTSD
• Administrative hearings: professional licensure issues
• Pre-adoption evaluations
• Child custody evaluations
• Expert witness testimony
Source: www.drpaulabruce.com
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These generally are not released to the parties, but kept in the court file as in your situation. The reason for this is these reports often contain private information of other parties, such as the other side in your case, or third parties that were contacted in reference to the evaluation. However, if the evaluation contains nothing but your personal information, you should be able to get a copy from the evaluator directly by signing a HIPAA release.
Since children are reluctant to divulge information it is more of a process than an event. In other words it can take multiple visits to establish the validity or lack of concerning the reported abuse. Sessions with younger children typically last around 30 minutes. Older children around 45 minutes at best.