All careers fall into one of six career fields. If you are just starting to explore careers, career fields are a good place to start.
Agriculture, Food, & Natural Resources
In this career field, you would work with plants and animals. You might:
- raise crops or livestock for food
- sell crops or livestock
- help farmers and ranchers increase production
- process food
- protect the environment
Business, Management, & Administration
This career field has four career clusters.
- In business, management, and administration, you keep a business running. You may be in charge of the business as the boss. Another option is to keep track of expenses and income. Or you might hire and train the workers.
- In finance, you keep track of money. You could keep records. Or you could help people get loans and save money. Another option is to help people buy insurance. You could also run a bank.
- In hospitality and tourism, you help people have fun. You could help people who want to eat out get their food and drinks. Another option is to take care of guests at a hotel. Or you could help people plan trips.
- In marketing, sales, and service, you sell products. You might create ads to get customers to buy products. Or you might sell directly to customers. Another option is to use the Internet to sell.
Communications & Information Systems
This career field has two main career clusters.
- In information technology, you would work with computers and software. You might design computer hardware or create software programs. Another option is to make sure that computers are working. Or you might link workers in several parts of the world.
- In arts, audio/video technology, and communication, you might be a performer or artist. You would be on the stage during a play or concert or be in front of the camera during a movie or television show. Or you might create a painting or write a book. Another option is to work behind the scenes. You would work on film production or magazine, book, or newspaper production.
Engineering, Manufacturing, & Technology
In this career field, you construct buildings or make products. Or you might design new structures or products. Another option is to install or repair these manufactured products. You might do research to develop new products or systems. Or you could drive the vehicles, trains, or planes that deliver the products.
This career field includes these four career clusters:
Health Science Technology
In this career field, you identify and treat injuries or diseases. Or you might work to keep people healthy. You could work at many different sites. Work may be done in offices, hospitals, or labs. You might even work on a cruise ship or in a hotel.
Source: www.iseek.org
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