Some of the best psychologists and educators in the world author Psychology Today articles in a variety of fields, including child development, parenting, autism, happiness, intelligence, and resilience.
In the same spirit that I publish and update my list of the Best Back-to-School Articles for Parents in late summer, this is my first annual Spring 2014 Review of Psychology Today articles. I believe they are essential reads for parents and all adults who guide and mentor children and teens. Not only do they help us understand developing young people, they provide insights into ourselves as parents.
Unlike my back-to-school articles, these top-ranked Psychology Today articles are purposely not categorized by topic. Why? Because so many of the people who write here have such a vast understanding of human development that their articles overlap many different categories. I hope you’ll browse the titles and short descriptions and see which ones draw you into their topics.
While you might be under the impression that Psychology Today articles are too academic for the general public, I hope you’ll be pleasantly surprised. In fact, the many Ph.D.’s, university professors, and researchers who write here are doing so to reach popular audiences, which has always been the intent of Psychology Today.
To be totally transparent, I have come to know many of these authors because I’ve been a Psychology Today contributor in the field of child development since 2011. My column, , focuses on positive youth development in the teen years. I don’t make a habit of ranking my own articles, so if you are interested in adolescence, stop by my column sometime!
These posts represent a collection of great topics from the past year. Spring is a perfect time to be inspired by some of the best minds in psychology! Most of these authors have written numerous Psychology Today articles. If you follow the link to one, you’ll likely find a slew of other fascinating reads! If the authors are on Twitter, I’ve included a link to their profiles at the end of each summary.
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because no one really understand it all!
Popular enough to merit your attention.