Psychology TheoristsApril 20, 2016 – 12:27 am

Psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud proposed one of the best-known grand theories of child development. According to Freud’s theory, child development occurs in a series of stages focused on different pleasure areas of the body. During each stage, the child encounters conflicts that play a major role in the course of development. Learn More: Freud’s famous work influenced a number of other psychoanalysts, including theorist Erik Erikson. While Erikson’s theory…
Forensic Psychology Undergraduate ProgramsApril 15, 2016 – 11:52 pm

Providing a strong, interdisciplinary foundation, the bachelor s degree in forensic psychology prepares its graduates for careers in criminal justice. Subjects typically covered include applied psychological statistics, definitions of insanity and the principles of criminal behavior. Most programs require an internship with a criminal justice organization. Program Levels in Forensic Psychology: Bachelor s degree; master s degree Prerequisites: High…
Behavior Definition PsychologyApril 8, 2016 – 10:39 pm

What do animal behaviorists—ethologists—mean by the word “behavior?” It turns out that this is a nontrivial question, and one that ethologists have grappled with for some time. Early ethologists like Niko Tinbergen defined behavior as “the total movements made by the intact animal, ” but it strikes me that this is far too general a definition, in that it incorporates almost everything that an animal does. But, if a definition proposed by one of my…
Jobs with a Major in PsychologyMarch 27, 2016 – 08:47 pm

As a psychology major, you’ve studied the science of the mind, brain, and behavior. From the synapses that fire in our brains to the greater patterns of human development and interaction, psychologists learn the inner workings of the mind and the ways in which they contribute to greater social phenomena. You might have focused on topics such as how the brain works, human life develops, counseling and social psychology, mental disorders, and how we…
Forensic Psychology CareersFebruary 27, 2016 – 04:19 pm

Forensic psychology has become one of the most popular subfields of psychology in recent years. Increasing numbers of students express interest in this field of study, yet many are not quite sure what they need to do to pursue a career in this area. If you have an interest in psychology as well as the law and criminal justice, then this is an area that certainly might interest you. So how do you get started in forensic psychology? What topics do you…
Books on Forensic PsychologyFebruary 22, 2016 – 03:17 pm

Medical jurisprudence or forensic medicine, the application of medical science to legal problems. It is typically involved in cases concerning blood relationship, mental illness, injury, or death resulting from violence. Autopsy (see post-mortem examination) is often used to determine the cause of death, particularly in cases where foul play is suspected. Post-mortem examination can determine not only the immediate agent of death (e.g. gunshot wound…
Forensics CareerFebruary 6, 2016 – 12:46 pm

Forensic scientists help solve crimes by collecting and analyzing physical evidence and other facts found at the scene. They specifically analyze fingerprints, blood, semen, firearms, saliva, and drugs, and may also reconstruct skeletal bones. In addition, forensic scientists write reports, preserve evidence, testify in court, and discuss evidence collection with attorneys and law enforcement personnel. Often times, the scientific breakdown of evidence…