Sports Psychologist AtlantaOctober 4, 2018 – 07:59 pm

Licensed Psychologist & Certified Consultant - AASP Dr. Kensa Gunter is a licensed psychologist and a certified consultant in sport psychology. She received her Psy.D. in Clinical Psychology with an emphasis in Sport & Exercise Psychology from Argosy University in Phoenix, Arizona and completed her internship and post-doctoral fellowship at the University of California, Davis Counseling & Psychological Services. Dr. Gunter…
Sports Psychology Online DegreeJuly 30, 2018 – 07:35 pm

The Master of Arts (MA) in Sport-Exercise Psychology program at Argosy University, Online is designed to educate and train you to function as a capable and ethical performance enhancement specialist. Whether you are seeking employment in a variety of settings, including private practice, athletic departments, coaching, exercise/health, and education, or pursuing a doctorate degree, this Argosy University, Online sport psychology program is designed…
Sports Psychology Job DescriptionJuly 24, 2018 – 07:34 pm

You’ve probably heard about the famous ‘mind-games’ used by Sir Alex Ferguson to rattle Kevin Keegan in 1996, thus enabling Manchester United to steal the Premier League title away from Newcastle United. You’ve probably also heard about boxers psyching each other out before big fights. It’s also likely you’ve heard about athletes ‘bottling it’ in major competitions. Clearly, the psychological state of an athlete can have a major impact on their performance…
Sports PsychiatristJuly 18, 2018 – 07:32 pm

The Huskers have added Dr. Todd Stull to their full-time staff as Nebraska s Director of Sports Psychology, the university athletic department announced Monday in a press release. Stull, who had previously worked as a consulting sport psychiatrist for the Huskers, becomes NU s first full-time sports psychiatrist. He will work with each of the Huskers 24 varsity sports programs to implement programs designed to maximize the performance and well-being…
Child Sports PsychologistApril 25, 2018 – 06:52 pm

It happens.You have good physical skills for your sport, knowledge of the game, and excellent fitness. But something is off— your mind is holding you back. Maybe you have difficulty dealing with losses, confidence returning to play after an injury, or even just trying to focus on the game. We have the help you need to get you back to playing physically and mentally. What is a sports psychologist? Sport psychologists help athletes: Enjoy activities…
Premier SportApril 7, 2018 – 06:47 pm

If you’re one of the 33+ million people who play Fantasy Football each year, you can easily picture the scene as I walked into a local sports bar last evening. The place was packed, baseball games dominated the dozen or so TVs spread throughout the room, and the vast majority of the inhabitants… Virtually everything related to the National Football League – American’s most popular sport – is getting bigger and bigger year after year. With one exception:…
Universities that offer Sports PsychologyApril 1, 2018 – 06:45 pm

Your body is a mass of muscles and nerves linked to the central processing unit - your brain. Just how do Olympic athletes develop the concentration, confidence, control and commitment to harness their muscles, nerves and brain together to break the gold medal frontiers of performance? And what use are their performance enhancement techniques off the track, out of the swimming pool or away from the pitch? Many top athletes and sportspeople consider…