Interesting Topics in PsychologyJanuary 17, 2016 – 10:13 am

Image courtesy Julia Freeman-Woolpert Cognitive Psychology Topics Cognitive psychology looks at mental processes including how people think, perceive, remember, and learn. As part of the larger field of cognitive science, this branch of psychology is related to other disciplines including neuroscience, philosophy, and linguistics. Some of the possible topics you might explore in this area include thinking, language, intelligence, and decision-making…
What does a Psychologist Study?January 14, 2016 – 09:16 am

On another forum, two native English speakers insisted that the questions shown below were incorrect English. Please tell me why, if the affirmative forms (answers) shown are allowed, the question form is not allowed. -Psychology studies the relationship between environments and human behaviour. -Psychology studies the human psyche, behavior, and mental processes. This diverse field has roots in biology, medicine, philosophy, religion, and history…
What is Sport and Exercise Psychology?January 2, 2016 – 07:24 am

Is an international forum for scholarly reports in the psychology of sport and exercise , broadly defined. The journal is open to the use of diverse methodological approaches. Manuscripts that will be considered for publication will present results from high quality empirical research, systematic reviews, meta-analyses, commentaries concerning already published PSE papers or topics of general interest for PSE readers, protocol papers for trials, and…
Sports Psychology EducationJanuary 1, 2016 – 07:16 am

(1) The clinical/counseling sport psychologist is a person trained in clinical or counseling psychology and may be a licensed psychologist. They may possess a MS or Ph.D. or Psy.D. Generally, these individuals also have a deep interest in the athlete and his or her experiences. These experiences can lead to high stress levels that can be counterproductive to performance. In worst case scenarios, maladaptive behaviors can result (problems with alcohol…
Sports Counseling CertificationDecember 27, 2015 – 06:43 am

Classes begin Summer Session Annually The Graduate Certificate (18cr) and Letter of Completion (12cr) in Sports Counseling is 100% fully delivered online and designed for practicing counselors, counselors in training (post 48-credits), educators and/or other helping professionals’ needs for an advanced or specialty area of training and development with the athlete population. This program will provide counselor training competencies in three core…
Famous Sports PsychologistsDecember 26, 2015 – 06:36 am

Below are just a small sample of comments about Dr. John F. Murray relating to his counseling, media, speeches, books, and workshops: “John u are an outstanding coach and your training got me to another level as a trial attorney. I’d recommend you to anyone. Your tools are invaluable, for anyone who wants to take their skills to another matter the profession.” FRANK GOLDSTEIN, Trial Attorney, Ft. Lauderdale, Fl.” “Dr. John F Murray not only…
Sports CounselingDecember 21, 2015 – 05:49 am

During the past ten years there has been a dramatic increase in interest and participation in sports at the collegiate, as well as professional and leisure levels. The 1970s and 1980s have brought increased commercialization of sports. Despite the involvement of sanctioning bodies, countless student-athletes are suffering from exploitation, personal excesses, and abuse including drugs and alcohol, as well as exhibiting various psychosocial problems…