Sport and Exercise PsychologyOctober 29, 2013 – 01:58 pm

Students interested in pursuing a career in sport and exercise psychology or in sport sociology know that most jobs will require that they must first complete a graduate degree before entering the job market. Thus, as a liberal arts program, the primary mission of the undergraduate major in sport and exercise psychology is to prepare students for graduate studies in sport and exercise psychology, in sport sociology, and/or in counseling. What makes…
Sports Mental TrainingDecember 27, 2012 – 01:05 pm

Most sport psychologists work with athletes on the mental side of their sport in an office setting (usually one hour per week), providing them with mental tools that they can use during training and competitions. This approach makes about as much sense as a coach offering their athletes technical instruction and then telling them to go out onto the field, course, court, or what-have-you and work on it in practice. In either case, the transfer from…
Sports PsychologyOctober 4, 2012 – 11:58 am

Has a coach ever told you, “You need to finish strong?” Do you feel you fall apart at the end of a game after you held the lead practically the whole game? Closing out games is a common problem for many teams and athletes… But why? Athletes that have diffi … [Sport Psychology Tip] In Sessions with Doc,Dr. Patrick Cohn answers your sports psychology and mental training questions about overcoming tentative performances for athletes. Visit…