Sports Psychology CertificationOctober 25, 2019 – 10:23 am

Applied sport and exercise psychology professionals are interested in how participation in sport, exercise, and physical activity may enhance personal development and well-being throughout the life span. >VIDEO: The importance of AASP s Certified Consultants Certified Consultants of the Association for Applied Sport Psychology (CC-AASP) are members with a masters or doctorate degree who have met specific course requirements in sport and exercise…
Journal of Sport Psychology in ActionOctober 1, 2019 – 10:08 am

The purpose of this article is to describe the phenomenon of choking in sport, and suggest a process approach to managing competitive pressure and choking (based on the sport, cognitive, and clinical psychology literature). Specific suggestions are provided for athletes to use before, during, and after competition. Athletes are encouraged to accept and acknowledge pressure and the feelings associated with choking, as opposed to attempting to avoid…
Articles About Child DevelopmentSeptember 25, 2019 – 10:08 am

Children who are exposed to poverty at a young age often have trouble academically later in life. But according to new research out of the Washington University School of Medicine, poverty also appears to be associated with smaller brain volumes in areas involved in emotion processing and memory. [ READ : Number of Homeless Students Has Soared Since the Recession Began] A team of researchers at the St. Louis-based university, led by Joan Luby, analyzed…
Top Sports Psychology ProgramsSeptember 19, 2019 – 10:06 am

A Masters in Sports Psychology degree is designed to teach students how principles of psychology apply to all sports and the athletes who play them. Students learn how to apply these principles in a wide variety a settings including academic teaching positions, as well as both amateur and professional sports organizations. This degree explores how factors such as injuries, individual and team motivation, stress, group dynamics, counseling, and self-perceptions…
Columbia University Psychology GraduateSeptember 13, 2019 – 10:04 am

Director of Graduate Student Teaching: Lois Putnam Degree Programs: M.A./M.Phil./Ph.D. Designed to provide a broad base in psychology, this program offers an opportunity for intensive research. Advanced seminars are offered in three basic areas of psychology: cognition, psychobiology and neuroscience, and personality and social psychology. The department is relatively small; each year it admits fewer than ten full-time students. The obvious benefit…
Jobs for PHD in PsychologySeptember 7, 2019 – 09:51 am

Mel Rohse is preparing to defend her research at a viva. Photograph: University of Bradford University of Bradford /PR Mel Rohse, PhD in peace studies Age: 28 University: Bradford 1 Goal for this month: apply for 10 jobs that I m qualified for I have just finished my PhD in peace studies at the University of Bradford – and when I say just finished, I mean it: I handed in on Monday. I ve always been academically minded, but I haven t always wanted…
Sports Psychology DegreesSeptember 1, 2019 – 09:48 am

If you would like to combine your love of sports and fitness with an interest in psychology or sociology, then you have found the perfect major. Students interested in pursuing a career in sport and exercise psychology or in sport sociology know that most jobs will require that they must first complete a graduate degree before entering the job market. The primary mission of the undergraduate major in sport behavior is to prepare students for graduate…