What Can You Do With a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology?

April 30, 2016 – 01:10 am
Sales - Tom Merton / Getty ImagesTom Merton / Getty Images

1. Sales Representatives

Undergraduate psychology programs help students acquire a wide range of interpersonal skills, which can then be put to use in a number of different sales and marketing positions. Employers value skills such as the ability to speak well and communicate effectively. If you are interested in working in this field, take classes that will improve your understanding of people and human behavior. Courses in social psychology, personality, and communications can be especially beneficial. Morsa Images / Getty Images

2. Advertising Agents

The art and science of persuasion is a major topic in psychology, which is why advertising is often an ideal career choice for people with a bachelor's degree in psychology.Advertising - Morsa Images / Getty Images Careers in this field often involve researching the target audience for a product or message and developing advertising materials based on this research.

If you are interested in a career in this field, look for ways that you can gain practical experience now. Internships are an excellent way to get experience, find professional mentors, and build networking relationships in your chosen field.

Marcin Balcerzak/iStockPhoto

3. Psychiatric Technicians

While many people with a bachelor's degree in psychology find work in other unrelated areas, some choose to work directly in the field of mental health and human services. A few potential job titles in this area include psychiatric technicians, mental health technicians, and social work assistants.

In most cases, these individuals work directly under the supervision and guidance of a licensed clinical psychologist or social worker. Job duties involve helping patients with basic daily needs, teaching life skills, conducting applied therapy sessions, and performing related case management tasks.

Pamela Moore / Getty Images

Psychiatric Technician - Marcin Balcerzak/iStockPhoto4. Career Counselors

If you enjoy helping people discover their potential, then working as a career counselor can be a fulfilling choice. This job often involves helping people select a career, assisting those in the process of changing careers, or providing vocational rehabilitation to individuals returning to the workforce. Some individuals choose to work with disabled adults who may need skills training, job search help, on-the-job training, and regular workplace supervision. Robert D. Barnes / Getty Images

5. Probation and Parole Officer

If you are interested in working in the field of criminal justice, you might want to consider a career as a probation or parole officer. Typically hired by local or state governments, probation and parole officers work directly with individuals who have been convicted of criminal offenses.Career Counselor - Pamela Moore / Getty Images These professionals supervise offenders at home, work, and school settings to track behaviors, make recommendations to the courts, and coordinate with drug treatment professionals or therapists.

Tetra Images / Getty Images

6. Writers

Earning a bachelor's degree in psychology generally requires a great deal of writing. After graduation, put those communication skills to work in a writing-related career. Some potential job titles in this area include technical writers, advertising copywriters, and newspaper reporters. Sanja Gjenero

7. Market Researchers

People working in the field of market research perform a variety of tasks, including conducting interviews, performing opinion polls, collecting data, and interpreting results. A bachelor's degree in psychology prepares students for work in this field by training graduates in statistical and scientific methodologies. Billy Hustace / Getty Images

8. Child Care Workers

Another way to utilize your bachelor's degree in psychology is to become a child care worker. If are interested working in an area related directly to psychology, then you might want to consider becoming a partial care worker in a mental health setting. These individuals aid clients in outpatient settings to cope with a variety of mental health concerns. Other options include working in a daycare or after-school program, or even opening up your own child care center.

Rich Legg/iStockPhoto
Probation Officer - Robert D. Barnes / Getty Images Writer - Tetra Images / Getty Images - Sanja Gjenero Child Care Worker - Billy Hustace / Getty Images

Source: psychology.about.com

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  • avatar what job opportunities will i have? With a bachelors degree in psychology
    • Psychology grads often work in marketing, social work and labor relations. !

  • avatar Job opportunities with a bachelors degree in psychology? | Yahoo Answers
    • you could flip burgers or even make donuts. enjoy.

  • avatar Job opportunities with a bachelor's degree in psychology? | Yahoo Answers
    • I have a degree in Sociology, close to Psychology and it can open a few doors, but w/o a Masters or a PhD, hard to get a good job w/that degree alone.
      There's always social work, probation officer type work, mental health type work in hospitals.
      I think what you'll find is you'll get a job because you have A degree.
      You should focus on what will interest you in a job and go from there. I'm 15 years out of college and have worked as a parole officer, corrections officer and now insurance claims adjuster. So much for the sociology degree!!