Types of Psychologists and What They Do

December 1, 2015 – 01:33 am
Experimental Psychology

When people hear the term psychologist, many immediately imagine a man or woman sitting in an office, scribbling notes while a client sits on a leather fainting couch. Sure there are plenty of psychologists who engage in this type of talk therapy, but people who work in the field of psychology also do a variety of other things. Did you know that there are psychologists who study how people work and interact with the tools in their environment?

Or that some psychologists help athletes become more motivated?

Below is a list of some of the many different types of psychologists and some of the major things that they do.

  • Aviation: Studies the behavior of pilots and other flight crew members. Performs research on airline safety, develops new training equipment, and helps select suitable employees.
  • Biopsychology: Studies and performs research on the brain and behavior. Investigates how brain disease and injury impact behavior.
  • Assesses, diagnoses, and treats individuals suffering from psychological distress and mental illness. Perform psychotherapy and develops treatment plans.
  • Investigates how people think, including topics such as decision-making and problem-solving.
  • Community: Conducts research on community health issues. Seeks to educate the community and develops prevention programs.
  • Comparative: Studies the behavior of different species, particularly how animal and human behavior differs.

Source: psychology.about.com

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