WRITTEN COMMUNICATION: This requirement consists of six credits in English Composition (ENWR1101 and ENWR1102) and six credits of writing intensive courses within the major.
ORAL COMMUNICATION: Requirements consist of a three-credit Speech course.
QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS: Requirements consist of a three-credit course that is substantially concerned with mathematics and statistics with application to everyday problems.
ETHICAL AND MORAL ANALYSIS: Requirements consist of a three-credit course that is substantially concerned with ethical theories and questions. This course could be in Philosophy or a course within a major program.
SCIENTIFIC ANALYSIS: Requirements consist of a minimum of six credits of laboratory science.
LANGUAGE AND CULTURE: This requirement can be satisfied by one of four options: traditional language courses with significant cultural elements, LANG courses listings under “Language and Culture Studies, ” language-based study abroad, or the six highest ESL/ESP credits for non-native English speakers.
SOCIAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES: This requirement can be satisfied by six credits of coursework in Communication, Criminal Justice, Economics, Political Science, or Sociology.
ART AND HUMANITIES: This requirement can be satisfied by six credits of coursework in Art (visual or performing), English Literature, History, Humanities, Philosophy, or Religion.
1CO-OP AND/OR INTERNSHIP is/are arranged by Career Development. Students must contact the Director of Career Development before the start of their junior year.
2RECOMMENDED ELECTIVES: Students enrolled in the Forensic Psychology track are encouraged to take the following 3-credit courses as free electives: CRIM2215 Crime and Forensics, CRIM2230 Death Penalty, PSYC3301 Drugs and Behavior, PSYC3324 Group and Family Dynamics, and PSYC3394 Disorders of Addiction.
Source: view2.fdu.edu
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