Industrial & Organizational Psychology PhD Program

December 15, 2022 – 12:14 pm
Internship Placement

The industrial and organizational (I/O) psychology training area provides doctoral-level training in I/O psychology, a field that focuses on the scientific study of the workplace – including both organizations and their employees. I/O psychologists need to develop skills in the design, execution, and interpretation of research in psychology and to apply that research to help address human and organizational problems (SIOP, 2010).

The training program in I/O psychology is designed to prepare students for a wide range of career paths in academic, organizational, and consulting settings. Consistent with the model of I/O psychologists as both scientists and practitioners, our program places a heavy emphasis on developing students’ research and analytical skills as well as the core skills and knowledge of I/O psychology. The program fosters a collaborative culture where students and faculty work together and support one another in the pursuit of student development and research excellence.

The I/O program includes seven I/O psychologists with wide-ranging interests and expertise including:

  • Karen Lyness
  • Harold Goldstein
  • Yochi Cohen-Charash
  • Charles Scherbaum
  • Loren Naidoo
  • Kristen Shockley
  • Erin Eatough

The program has approximately 25 students in residence as well as others who are completing their dissertations.


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