4 Accredited Forensic Psychology Schools in California

May 31, 2015 – 10:16 am
Forensic Psychology in

California Vs. National Forensic Psychology Employment

California 16, 750
National 111, 390

Approximately 15% of the country's forensic psychology professionals work in California state.

Employment Growth for Forensic psychology professionals In California

15, 220 14, 810 16, 040 16, 060
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

The number of forensic psychology professionals is growing in California. In California, 1, 530 more forensic psychology professionals were working in 2010, than there were in 2006. This represents a 10% growth in the field. This growth is faster than the national trend for forensic psychology professionals which shows a 6% increase in the number of forensic psychology professionals working around the nation.

Forensic Psychology VS. All Professions salaries in California

$88, 580 $90, 960 $101, 170 $90, 325 $89, 385
$48, 885 $52, 410 $54, 744 $56, 285 $57, 176
  • Light Blue: Forensic Psychology
  • Dark Yellow: All Professions

The amount earned by forensic psychology professionals is increasing in California. Forensic psychology professionals earned a yearly mean salary of $88, 580 in 2006. They earned a yearly mean salary of $89, 385 in 2010.

Salary percentiles for Forensic psychology professionals in California

10th percentile $40, 070
25th percentile $63, 885
50th percentile $90, 040
75th percentile $108, 610
90th percentile $124, 205

This represents a 1% growth in salaries. State trends for all professions mirror this growth. In the state of California, there is a huge variation in pay, within the field of forensic psychology. The pay differential between the highest paid forensic psychology professionals and those in the bottom 10% of the pay bracket is 210%

Average Salaries for Forensic psychology professionals and related professions in California

Clinical Psychology $68, 115
Counseling $58, 067
Criminal Justice $56, 305
Criminology $83, 243
Forensic Psychology
Forensic Science $67, 720

Forensic psychology professionals in California earn, on average, more than their counterparts in related professions.

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The number of forensic psychology faculty, growth in the field of forensic psychology academia and forensic psychology faculty salaries in California, is all data we are currently in the process of collecting. Please enter your information in the form below if you are involved in teaching forensic psychology courses to students at the masters degree in forensic psychology, and doctoral degree in forensic psychology levels This will help us build a valuable free database resource for the benefit of current and future faculty in the field of forensic psychology in California. All information you submit will be anonymous. Once you submit your information, you will get a chance to see the data we have collected thus far.

Source: www.educationnews.org

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  • avatar What is the best forensics school in California
    • The best schools for forensics in CA are: California State University, Los Angeles and California State University, Fullerton.